An update on how our scholarship money is being used and a story about our recipients:
Kristina is a fourth semester nursing student who is using the funds to enroll in the Kaplan program to help prepare who for her nursing boards and to pay for her state and national boards. A single mother of three “wonderful” daughters, she is only able to work part time and every penny goes to feed and clothe her children. Kristina will be graduating in December. GPA 3.27
Christina is 46 years old, recently divorced mother of four sons. She has been a stay at home mom who is in her first semester of the nursing program. Her income is limited to child support so she had no extra funds to purchase her books and supplies. The scholarship is helping her start out with the tools she needs to be successful. GPA 3.5
Vilma is an international student from Honduras who was in her fourth semester of nursing. She is a single parent with a two year old daughter and is on a student visa so is not allowed to work. The scholarship paid for her tuition. GPA 3.23
Beatrice is a single mother of three and has used the money to pay for tuition for her nursing program. The funds have given her more time to study and let her work less. GPA 3.10
Marie was a first semester nursing student who was faced with the high cost of books and supplies associated with the program. A single mother who is working towards providing a livable earning for her children, this scholarship has helped her start her nursing education without that excess financial burden. GPA 2.95
Gregory is a single father of two who used the funds to pay for tuition for his EMT program. Having lost his job nine months ago, he realized he needed an education in an area that would not be dependent on the economy. He has completed his EMT certification and has enrolled in the paramedic program. GPA 2.77
MaDonna always wanted to be a nurse and works two part time jobs to make ends meet for her and her children. She enjoys putting a smile on her patients’ faces. She hopes to work at St. Mary’s when she graduates in May 2011. GPA is 2.92
Tijuana used the funds to buy books and supplies for the nursing program. This helped her save the money in order to pay her household bills as well as to take care of her two children. GPA 3.37
Ida said she is enjoying her education in healthcare and finds it exciting and rewarding. Being a single mother with two children, time is limited and having the funds to pay for her tuition has helped tremendously. GPA 3.10
Tierra used the funds to help with tuition. Being a single mother and enrolled in the dental hygiene program full time, doesn’t leave her much time to work. GPA 3.33
Daryl has gone back to school to get his degree in the Medical Technology program. A laid off auto worker and father of three, he is enjoying the opportunity to learn a new field. These funds have taken a financial burden off of him and his family. GPA 2.98